57 pages   | pdf  |6mb

Since the w orld is gradually slipping into a energy crisis, it is of utmost importance for us to reduce our
dependency on the sources of energy w hich are nonrenew able. Clean Renew able sources of energy are those
sources w hich are recurring meaning w hen you produce energy you dont exhaust any resources. Several examples
of renew able energy are solar energy, hydro or w ater energy, and w ind energy.
These sources of energy are freely available in our environment, and are often overlooked and unused. W e
need to take advantage of these sources of energy, thus w e w ill make a step tow ards energy independence.
Solar energy i.e the Energy from the sun is the most abundant energy available on our planet. W e should take
advantage of this energy. By implementing a system w hich uses the solar energy to pow er our homes

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